Sunday 3 January 2016

What to do with colouring pages part 2

Someone made my day today!!! Thank you Samantha!

A few days ago I sent my new colouring page to Samantha and asked her to play a little with it. She surprised me and made three projects using the page! She is so clever, I'm over the moon! I need to show you her projects but first please check out Samantha's amazing blog.

The colouring page is full of cute creatures. Some of you may know my 'Find a Teddy' pages, where cute teddies are hiding but this one is a little different. A lot of various characters and I hope a lot of fun for colouring lover. You can find a colouring page on Etsy
I need to say that my favourite creatures are Donut Beaver and Panda Bear. 
Can you find them?

.Samantha's projects (looooove them all!!!!)

Magda x