Monday, 11 May 2009

Charisma Cardz & Stamp Something

Kolejna kartka z Magnolią, ale tym razem na inne konkursy. Ostatnio znalazłam kilka nowych blogów z zadaniami. Wszystkie w innych językach, ciekawe czy istnieje polski, póki co nie znalazłam :(
This card is for Charisma Cardz challenge 18 and Stamp Something - Pink Birthday. This great sketch is from Vee (Charisma Cardz). I haven`t got pink paper, so I drew it. I like drawing and add it to my cards.


  1. What a lovely card and your drawing is amazing, well done. Glad you liked my sketch and thanks for playing with Charisma this week. Hope to see you taking part again.
    xx Vee

  2. Lovely card. Thank you for joining us this week at Chrisma Cardz.
